What we must not forget during this crisis

Let us not mince words: The crisis is hard on all of us, and we all work hard in this situation. To help our customers, their companies, products and employees. But one thing is undeniable: Agencies such as ours are in a very privileged position. The products and services we offer and the workflows used to create them can, for the most part, be wholly digitalized. Our expertise in conference technology, networking, crisis communication and digital working is currently uniquely valuable.


This know-how benefits not just us, but also our customers, who use it to communicate, manage change or stay connected, find new sales channels and still make valuable contributions in these times.


However, we are well aware that these digital opportunities are of no use to those currently working in system-relevant jobs in Germany. The enormous boost for New Work notwithstanding, it is the non-digital services above all that are important now.


You cannot digitalize safety and comfort

Nor are our tools and workflows of use to children. That is why we have this week rolled up our sleeves to help out children’s charity Brücken für Kinder (‘Bridges for Children’).


The Hamburg-based organisation works on behalf of children in the Hanseatic city as well as in Germany and around the world. Entirely run by voluntary workers, Brücken für Kinder incurs no administrative expenses. Its objective is to support children through dedicated projects and lobbying. The focus is on issues such as education or participation, but also on the fight against violence. ad publica acts as a partner to support the association.


Children should not have to face this crisis alone

Both the children and the charity need our support, now more than ever. Because we are all affected by the corona crisis. But as adults, analysts and business people, we at least have tools to help address it. Children usually do not. Often, they have now lost (albeit temporarily) the fixed structures of every day, the contact to friends, grandparents and other family members – a piece of comfort and safety.


For children in difficult circumstances, you could probably give a blanket assessment: Their life is now even more difficult. That is why we will continue our efforts, now more than ever. We use our tools to support Brücken für Kinder. As can anyone, by either donating or helping. Brücken für Kinder is open to anyone needing help in an emergency, be they institution, association or private individual: https://brueckenfuerkinder.de/.


Hard work for the hardest hit

Hamburg, like many other cities, communities and municipalities, is organizing dedicated local support services. One such service is the Hamburg board of education’s corona care line for parents. It can help with school and education issues during the crisis, for example in case of family conflicts, children with learning difficulties or sick family members. The coronavirus care line can be reached under +49 (0)40 428 12 8209, +49 (0)40 428 12 8219 or +49 (0)40 428 12 8050.


Yes, this is an enormous challenge. We will do all we can to make things easier for our customers – and to build bridges to target groups, stakeholders and employees in companies affected by this crisis. And of course to children.

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